New Featured Listing Video:
3291 Merlin Rd.

Featured Listing Video:
4895 Prospect Lake Rd.

Featured Listing Video:
6093 Chippewa Rd.
Know the Market Audience
Know the market audience and be buyer agent and buyer friendly. Maximize exposure and incentives to the three main ways that 97% of buyers become aware of the property they eventually purchase.
Exposure On The Internet – 52%
*Multiple listing on Realtor.ca, formerly known as MLS.ca
Distributed to literally thousands of websites worldwide through the Data Distribution Facility (DDF & IDX)
* Listed on suttongroupduncan.com
* Listed tomstownandcountry.ca
* Listing details include professional photographs, drone videos, virtual tours, map location, floor plans and property details
Exposure To Other Realtors® And Their Buyers – 30%
* All cooperating brokerages and their agents have the opportunity to view your home on “All Tour” day. More agents, with more clients means more exposure to active buyers waiting for the right home to hit the market.
* Attractive buyer’s agent commission rates mean that other REALTORS®, regardless of what brokerage they represent, will be eager to sell their buyers your property.
* Same day publication on the “HotSheet”…the REALTOR’s® bible of what’s new on the market.
* Same day addition to all REALTOR’s® “Personal Client Services” (PCS) system. All buyers with MLS search criteria that match your home will receive instant email notification to view your property
Exposure On The For Sale Sign – 15%
* Professionally installed sign in a dominant location on your property
* Well recognized Sutton sign designed to extend credibility through association with a market leader in real estate
* Top insert for the Xposure web platform is designed to steer traffic to 3D virtual tours, HD photos, floor plans, videos, and more!

Discover what Town and Country Realty can do for you! Whether you’re buying your dream home, selling your property, or exploring investment opportunities, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. With local expertise, personalized service, and a commitment to your goals, we make your real estate journey smooth and successful. Let us help you turn your vision into reality—because at Town and Country Realty, your home is our passion.